Photography Workshops
Join Julie Geldard on some great photography workshops with something for every skill level.
iPhotographMagic Tours & Tuition presents:
Start at the basics, move to advanced, and journey into Creative
iPhotographMagic is delighted to have Robert Dettman onboard our team to share his talents and knowledge. Lightroom is a powerful tool for organising, editing, printing, and publishing photographs. Adobe designed it specifically for photographers. Click here to book now.
Are these Virtual Courses with Robert Dettman, hosted by iPhotographMagic for you?
If you are searching for basics understanding of lightroom and developing your skills to your own unique editing style, or just give your images the WoW effect, then you will learn so much from these virtual workshops. If you are an amateur or professional, this course will take your images to the next level
Date: 4th November, 2022 – 7.30pm
Cost: $75 for 1 lesson $130 for 2 and $160 for 3
You are invited to take your Photography on a journey of Photographic creativity, by fine tuning your in skills by Photographic Artist, Robert Dettman. AFIAP AAPS Website:
This series of virtual workshops via Zoom, are suitable for Beginners to Advanced Photographers. Lightroom has been upgraded regularly, Robert will cover these new features to sharpen your skills to achieve an optimal workflow.
This Workshop is in three parts and designed to start you off following a tested process, giving you confidence in your understanding of the basics, advanced and creative capabilities of Lightroom
LESSON ONE: Some people get confused about how Lightroom Classic works. We will explain what it does with your images when importing and when working in the Develop module. We will also describe how to protect your images with backups. The mysteries of the Lightroom Catalogue will be discussed. Then we will open up Lightroom Classic and take a tour through some of the useful areas other than the Develop module, detailing their use and looking at various tips and tricks.
Using Lightroom Classic, we will explain:
- How to set up your computer hardware for optimal performance with Lightroom
- describe how Lightroom works with your images
- how to organise your hardware to manage images and back them up,
- loading images from your memory card,
- and all you need to know about Keywording and Metadata,
- introduction to the seven Modules.
- introduction to the seven panels of the user interface and how to manage them,
- some useful keyboard short cuts,
- introduction to the nine panels in the Develop module,
- how to find images in the Library module,
- basic editing skills in the Develop module using the panels:
- How to do a basic export your images
Date: 10th November, 2022 7.30pm (Qld Time)
Cost $75 for 1 lesson $130 for 2 and $160 for 3
If you survived the heavy theory of the first day, this is when we get into the exciting part – the Develop Module – where you edit your photos. Most of the panels will be visited and their use demonstrated. At the end, you will be given homework! The homework is to provide two or three images (no more). Images should be Raw files and can be the original unedited files or an edited version. How to export them from LrC will be explained. Please post the images in the album for use in live demonstrations in Part Three.
Here are the key skills we will explore in the Develop Module in Depth:
• The use of Presets, History and Snapshots & ratings
• Lens Corrections
• Transform
• HSL/Colour
• Effects
• Detail
• HDR and Panoramas
We will look in more depth at the Export and Print modules including creating your personal watermarks.
Expand our knowledge on Collections and the Map modules and how you can organise images.
6- Date: 1st December, 2022 7.30pm (Qld Time)
Cost: $75 for 1 lesson $130 for 2 and $150 for 3
In this course, we are going to cover everything you need to know about finding and developing your own unique editing style using Adobe Lightroom. We will look at your images and edit them in the Develop Module. This will be an opportunity to reinforce what was covered in Part Two and explore different editing styles.
Robert will go beyond standard editing to feature your favourite image and bring your image to life. The mysteries of the Calibration Panel will be revealed.
Learn how to use tools like:
– Radial filters
– Presets
– Using masks
– Colour Grading
– Calibration
– Exporting finished work for a professional appearance
We will share artistic developing styles used for creating mood, colour matching, and complimentary hues to create your own effects. This workshop will give your images a professional finish.
The outcome of this series of workshops will stand by you with your photographic art visions, giving a process and pathway of skills and a complete understanding to allow you to capture and enhance the magic in your images.
See you on zoom on November 3rd to share this exciting journey.
Julie & Robert
Portrait Essentials Series
with Peter Crichton and Julie Geldard AAPS AFIAP
iPhotographMagic members will have this great opportunity to upskill their portrait and flash skills with Peter Crichton, a professional portrait photographer for 25 years joining the IPM team to share his expertise, skills, and talents with our members. Click here to book now.
Are these Workshops (on location) with Peter Crichton, hosted by iPhotographMagic for YOU?
If your flash has been sitting in your camera bag or cupboard, or you are not using your flash for most outdoor portraits, to avoid backlight, harsh light, side light, or low light then your portrait photography will never be the same. Your portrait images and confidence will be zooming to a higher level.
Workshop #1. BASIC FLASH
This workshop will give participants a complete understanding of their flash, Bouncing off a white ceiling, and a reflector. We will then bring in a model to put our new skills into practice.
Cost: $100
Dates: Sunday, December 2022, TBA
Time: 3pm – 5.30pm
Location: Garaze Studio, Wellington Point
Workshop #2. STUDIO FLASH
This workshop is designed to teach participants the advantages of Studio Lighting which will be synched to your flash. Our practical will be designed as a glamour shoot with a background and a professional model.
Cost: $150
Dates: TBA
Time: 3pm – 5.30pm
Location: Garaze Studio, Wellington Point
Workshop #3. FILL FLASH
You learned to control your flash. Now we are shooting outside!
Here we are using fill flash to light a model with a sunset background, backlight, overhead harsh light. Later we will use bounce flash from a flash card or reflector for a city lights background.
Cost: $150
Dates: TBA
Time: 5pm – 7.30pm
Location: Gazebo, Kangaroo Point Cliffs
Workshop #4. POSING & FLASH
Posing is a critical component for an outstanding portrait image. This workshop will give tried and tested poses for couples, singles & groups. Once you have your camera and lighting skills, your next Essential skill is to be able to pose people. Like composition in a landscape, posing is essential for a high-standard professional portrait image. (Max 6)
Cost: $150
Dates: TBA
Time: 3pm – 5.30pm
Location: Garaze Studio, Wellington Point
Receive a 10% discount by booking all 4 Portrait Lighting Essentials Workshops & complimentary upcoming extra flash workshop